Home > Software & Programs > Screen Capture

Screen Capture
When you want to capture a screen shot from your computer, you can use the print screen button on the keyboard, or the Snipping Tool application.

Quick Links to Sections in this Article:
Capture Entire Screen
Capture Active Window
Snipping Tool

Capture Entire Screen:
Step 1:
Press the [PrtScn] key (usually above the number pad).

Step 2:Open the program where you wish to paste image.

Step 3:Press [Ctrl] + [v] to paste the image.

Capture the Active Window:

Step 1:
Press [Alt] + [Print Screen].

Step 2:
Open the program where you wish to paste image.

Step 3:Press [Ctrl] + [v] to paste the image.

Warning: Only one image at a time is contained in the clipboard. Pressing the Print Screen key again will cause the current image to be lost.

Snipping Tool

Step 1:

In the Windows Start menu, search "Snipping Tool".

Step 2:

Select the Snipping Tool from the Start menu.

Step 3:

A small tool window will appear on the screen, and a new capture will be ready for selection. Click and drag the square over the area of the screen that you wish to capture, then release.

Step 4:

An editing window will appear, containing the capture. From here, it can be further edited and saved using the save icon at the top of the window.

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