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M&M Mars Classroom
Technology instructions for the M&M Mars classroom. If you experience any problems, call ext. 3333 or email the Help Desk at Please visit our Web site at for additional information.
Quick links to sections of this article:
 Using the Podium Computer Blanking Projectors  Microphones 
 Connecting the Hover Cam Connecting the HoverCam to Zoom Turning off the Projector

Using the Podium Computer

Step 1:
Tap the power button on the display panel found on the wall.

Step 2:Under Media Sources, tap Wallplate HDMI 1.

Step 3:
Tap Send to Left Projector or Send to Right Projector depending on which you want to use and also tap Send to Speakers for sound

Step 4:If the Laptop is not already on, turn it on.Step 5:Log in with your network username and password.

Blanking Projectors:

Tap the Blank Projector Left/Right to turn the display to a blank screen. The button will be blue when active.


Step 1: If using the mic on the podium, make sure the XLR cable is plugged into the wall.

Step 2: if you wish to use a handheld mic, There are wireless mics located in the drawer above the rack. Make sure the mic is powered on.

Step 3: Tap Audio on the display

Step 4: using either the faders or the arrows, you can adjust the volumes of the mics or mute them if need be.

Connecting the HoverCam to a Laptop

Step 1: make sure the orange USB cable is plugged into the HoverCam

Step 2: Plug that Same orange cable into your Laptop’s USB port

Step 3: On the HoverCam screen, click the monitor Icon in the upper right hand side of the screen.

Step 4: Select the USB option.

Sharing the HoverCam on Zoom

While in a call, select Video Settings and then choose HoverCam Ultra8 in the camera drop down.

Properly Turning Off the Projector

Step 1:

Turn off the projector by touching the POWER button on the left sidebar. You will be prompted, “Are you sure you want to power off the system?” Touch YES.

Step 2:

Turn the computer off by clicking on the Start button at the bottom left of the screen, then select the Power Button symbol. Choose Shut Down.

Step 3:

If you want to turn on the projector again, give the machine several minutes to cool down before restarting the projector.

Warning: Do NOT turn off the Surge Protector!

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